Key Value Fetch with Kvetch.js

I really like using the fetch API packaged in evergreen browsers, but I was getting annoyed with having to set the credentials, redirect, and method options all the time, plus it always takes a bit of code to format the querystring correctly, plus it’s annoying to set headers and stringify JSON objects that I want to PUT to my server. So I wrote Kvetch. First argument is URL, which gets passed directly to fetch. Second argument is an optional query object. This can have as many key value pairs as you want, it just gets URIComponent encoded, joined with &s and =s, and appended to the URL after a ‘?’ (so don’t put the ? in yourself). Third argument is the Body a.k.a. Request Payload. It can be an object, a string, an ArrayBuffer (ie Binary data) or FormData.

A lot of people use axios, request, or other libraries on npm, but I didn’t want to add extra features and a bunch of dependencies, I just wanted to prevent repeating myself using the native API.

If you need it to work on browsers without fetch, just bring in some fetch polyfill and define that first, kvetch will use window.fetch just fine.

kvetch.get/post/put/delete/options(URL::string[, QueryObject::Object, Body::*)

You can leave the QueryObject and the Body blank if you don’t need them.

You can pass a falsey argument (null, undefined, etc) as a QueryObject if you only need a Body.

If you give an Object as a Body, it will be JSON stringified and sent with an application/json ContentType. If you send FormData (including files), the body is handed directly to fetch and it figures out what to do. If you pass a string, it will be sent untouched with a ContentType of text/plain. ArrayBuffers get sent with application/octet-stream but I haven’t actually tested this and don’t know if it’s appropriate.

Here’s the source code, you can even copy paste this into your browser console to try it out, or fork the repo here: